I lost my parking pass

Bummer!! Better keep better tabs on that thing! Secure it like you would $30 cash in your back pocket.
Request a replacement pass for $30.00 (varies per car park) by completing the lost pass form here. An Accounts Specialist will prepare your request and notify you when the replacement pass is ready to be mailed. Replacement passes can take up to 24-48 hours during business hours to process.
Parking Permits remain the property of Secure Parking USA. Parking Permits must be returned to Secure upon the termination of this parking contract within 5 business days from the requested date of cancellation. Failure to return within the 5 days will result in a $30 charge.
A non-refundable replacement charge will be assessed for lost, stolen, or damaged permits. A new parking pass will not be provided until the replacement fee is received. The use of the lost or stolen hangtag after the claim will result in towing at the vehicle owner’s expense.