


*If you are setting this account up on behalf of another person, the account holder and or user(s) assumes all risks

Your sign-up form will be submitted and takes 24-48 business hours to process, your tentative start day may change due to processing time.  Your welcome email will provide your start date and payment set up options. Parking before your provided start date will result in violations or tow unless daily rate is paid.

Termination of your sign-up form must be completed before the start date to avoid the 30-day cancellation notice, your nonrefundable start up fees will still be owed.  If your account is terminated after the start date your parking cancellation will following the 30-day notice policy. 

 First payment for parking and sign up fees must be paid prior to receiving your monthly pass.  Failure to make payment will result in late fees, violation and or tow.

Your account recurs monthly, to stop recurring payments a cancellation form must be completed.

If a promotional code is used at time of sign up, the terms and guidelines of that promotional code will be provided in writing to the customer.

Parking charges are for the use of one parking space, only one access card will be given out for each parking package.  This access card can be used between multiple vehicles, but there can not be more than one vehicle using the access card in the garage at a time.

Monthly parking charges are processed on the 1st of each month.  If payment is not received by the 5th of the month, vehicles will be considered illegally parked and will be ticketed or towed at the owner’s expense.

I understand if I use any commuter benefits to pay my parking balance that commuter benefit company is not affiliated with BEX Parking .  Billing issues and cancellations will need to be handle separately by both companies.  BEX Parking cannot reach out on your behalf for unpaid balances, refunds, or cancellations about your account to the commuter company.
(i.e. Wage Works, Commuter Pay, Commuter Benefit)

Late fees are applied to any unpaid balances.  This charge will be not be reversed as BEX Parking gives multiple reminders to prevent late payments.

Monthly parkers whose parking goes unpaid for more than 30 days, will have parking suspended until payment is received.  After 60 days or more of no payment, the parkers balance will be sent to collections.  Once sent to collections the parker will no longer be able to contact BEX Parking about the owed balance.

Monthly parking is guaranteed in the facility you are paying for. It does not entitle you to park at any other BEX Parking lots or garages.

By completing this monthly parking agreement, you are consenting to “BEX Parking” (hereafter referred to as Secure) using the information to manage your account, and if necessary, to disclose your account information to a collection agency.

Parking Permits remain the property of BEX Parking  Parking Permits must be returned to Secure upon termination of this parking contract within 5 business days from requested date of cancellation. Failure to return within the 5 days will result in a $30 charge.

RFID Card: A non-refundable replacement charge will be assessed for lost, stolen or damaged permits.  New parking pass will not be provided until replacement fee is received.  Only one RFID Card is given out per parking package.

If you are parking at a location that requires valet, this means your vehicle will be driven by and parked by an authorized lot attendant.  Customer and Operator agree that all claimed damage or loss must be reported and itemized by customer to attendant in writing before car is taken from the facility.

You must follow the rules of your purchased parking pass. Any parking outside of the imposed restrictions will be deemed illegally parked and will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.

The parking of unlicensed or uninsured vehicles, the general storage of vehicles, and the repair or maintenance of vehicles is prohibited. Vehicles in violation of this policy will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.

Any additional terms and conditions (except those relating to parking rates) displayed on the signage at the parking facility must be adhered to.

Vehicles must not be parked in such a way as to block traffic lanes or violate any laws or regulations. Vehicles may not be parked for promotional purposes on the lot without express written permission of Secure.

BEX Parking is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage to you, your vehicle, or its contents. Customers are advised to lock vehicle doors and to remove any valuables from plain view. All the secure parking lots and garages are park at your own risk.

Parking rates are subject to change by BEX Parking upon one calendar months’ notice. Unless it is listed differently in your lease agreement with the owners.

Customer agrees to follow the instructions of any facility/lot personnel and/or posted signage.

Changes to customer name, company name, address, phone numbers, credit card information, vehicle license plate number must be reported through our account update form.  The form can be accessed on BEX Parking’s website or requested by phone or email

BEX Parking reserved the right to review monthly credits during a time of natural disaster or pandemic.

BEX Parking USA reserved the right to terminate this agreement for any reason, by giving a 30-day written notice to the customer.  If a customer has a complaint made against at a BEX Parking facility by a staff member or another customer for verbal or physical harassment the parkers account will be terminated immediately.

Parker may terminate the monthly parking agreement by giving 30 Day notice through our cancellation form.  Cancellation will not be accepted via email or phone call.  The form can be accessed on BEX Parking website or requested by phone or email. Once parking is cancelled the customer has 5 days to return the parking permit before a replacement charge will be added onto the account.